Découvertes récentes de trésors indo-grecs : Nouvelles données historiques

Owing to the conflicts, the number of clandestine excavations have increased in Afghanistan and Pakistan leading to major discoveries of treasures. One of the largest finds was a colossal amount of Greco-Bactrian, Indo-Greek, Indo-Scythian, Indo-Parthian and Kushan coins, including one find that, altogether, weighed three tonnes and included 450,000 gold and bronze pieces. Taken together, these finds provide new insights not only into the actual quantity of currency that was in circulation at the time, but also a sense of the coins’ sovereignty and his relative importance and power during their reign. Among the finds, a previously unknown sovereign of Iran was discovered: Prince Naštēn who reigned in the 1st century.

Informations connexes

  • Auteur(s):
    M. Osmund Bopearachchi
    IIIème au Ier siècle avant JC
    Langue de l'article:
    Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, Paris.
    Diffusion de Boccard 11, Rue de Médicis, 1995.
    Afghanistan, Iran (République islamique d'), Pakistan

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