Gorge of Samaria

Located on the southwestern coast of Crete, this biosphere reserve and national park is a mountainous limestone area renowned for the deep narrow Samaria Gorge. The area comprises examples of high altitude Mediterranean forest (including virgin stands of Cupressus sempervirens), maquis and phrygana. Among the typical Mediterranean fauna, the endemic wild goat (Capra aegagrus cretensis) is well known. As in most parts in the Mediterranean, the whole area was subject to grazing and timber extraction in the past.

The area designated as biosphere reserve is currently not inhabited (1999). The region around the gorge is interesting from a cultural point of view since it hosts ancient ruins, churches and castles. Tourism is a main economic activity in the area, however activities are restricted within the national park. There is a visitors center at the entrance of the gorge. Read more about this reserve on the UNESCO Biosphere Reserves website.

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Les Routes de la Soie sur la carte

Profil du pays

flag Grèce
Capitale: Athènes
Région: Europe et Amérique du Nord

Cette plateforme a été développée et est maintenue avec le soutien de :


Siège de l'UNESCO

7 Place de Fontenoy

75007 Paris, France

Secteur des sciences sociales et humaines

Section de la recherche, politique et prospective

Programme des Routes de la Soie

