Institute of the Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute of the Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences was founded as the  Asiatic  Museum  of  the  Russian Academy of Sciences on 11 November 1818.  Later on June 2007, the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences ordered to reorganize the Saint Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies into the independent Institute of Oriental Manuscripts.

The processing and study of mss collections kept at the IOM remains the core of the academic activities and research projects of the Institute's scholars.

The collection of manuscripts and early printed books consists of more than 100 thousand items in 65 living and dead languages such as Abyssinian (Ethiopian), Arabic, Armenian, Georgian, Hebrew, Chinese, Korean, Kurdish, Manchurian, Mongolian, Persian and Tajik, Sanskrit and Sogdian, Turkic, Tangut, Tibetan, Uigur, Japanese, etc. The IOM has also the Archives of the Orientalists that contains some extremely valuable documents on the history of the Oriental Studies in Russia. It includes manuscripts and xylographs 

The Institute possesses a specialized library of books, exceeding 800 thousand volumes, on various branches of Oriental studies. The collection of books in languages of the peoples of the former USSR especially those issued in the 30s is also of a great value.

The Institute runs doctoral programs. Its Dissertation Council has the right to consider PhD and Habilitation theses written in the area of history and source criticism.

Route: Land
Authors: I. F. Popova
Themes: History
Era: 19th – 20th centuries
Language of article: English, Russian
Source: Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century. Collected articles. Edited by I. F. Popova. St Petersburg, Slavia Publishers, 2008.
Format: PDF
Route: Land
Authors: L. Yu. Tugusheva
Themes: History
Era: 18th – 20th centuries
Language of article: English, Russian
Source: Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century. Collected articles. Edited by I. F. Popova. St Petersburg, Slavia Publishers, 2008.
Format: PDF
Route: Land
Authors: S. G. Klyashtorny
Themes: History, Arts and Literature
Era: 4th – 11th centuries, 19th – 20th centuries
Language of article: English, Russian
Source: Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century. Collected articles. Edited by I. F. Popova. St Petersburg, Slavia Publishers, 2008.
Format: PDF
Route: Land
Authors: M. I. Vorobyeva-Desyatovskaya
Themes: History
Era: 19th – 20th centuries
Language of article: English, Russian
Source: Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century. Collected articles. Edited by I. F. Popova. St Petersburg, Slavia Publishers, 2008.
Format: PDF
Route: Land
Authors: Yu. I. Elikhina
Themes: Arts and Literature, Religion and Spirituality
Era: 3rd – 4th centuries, 6th century, 9th century, 19th – 20th centuries
Language of article: English, Russian
Source: Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century. Collected articles. Edited by I. F. Popova. St Petersburg, Slavia Publishers, 2008.
Format: PDF
Route: Land
Authors: V. A. Livshits
Themes: Languages, History, Arts and Literature
Era: 19th – 20th centuries
Language of article: English, Russian
Source: Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century. Collected articles. Edited by I. F. Popova. St Petersburg, Slavia Publishers, 2008.
Format: PDF
Route: Land
Authors: S. V. Dmitriyev and I. F. Popova
Themes: History
Era: 19th – 20th centuries
Language of article: English, Russian
Source: Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century. Collected articles. Edited by I. F. Popova. St Petersburg, Slavia Publishers, 2008.
Format: PDF
Route: Land
Authors: T. I. Yusupova
Themes: History
Era: 11th – 14th centuries, 19th – 20th centuries
Language of article: English, Russian
Source: Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century. Collected articles. Edited by I. F. Popova. St Petersburg, Slavia Publishers, 2008.
Format: PDF
Route: Land
Authors: E. I. Kychanov
Themes: History, Arts and Literature, Languages
Era: 11th – 14th centuries, 19th – 20th centuries
Language of article: English, Russian
Source: Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century. Collected articles. Edited by I. F. Popova. St Petersburg, Slavia Publishers, 2008.
Format: PDF
Route: Land
Authors: I. F. Popova
Themes: History
Era: 19th – 20th centuries
Language of article: English, Russian
Source: Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century. Collected articles. Edited by I. F. Popova. St Petersburg, Slavia Publishers, 2008.
Format: PDF
Route: Land
Authors: I. F. Popova
Themes: History
Era: 6th – 10th centuries, 19th – 20th centuries
Language of article: English, Russian
Source: Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century. Collected articles. Edited by I. F. Popova. St Petersburg, Slavia Publishers, 2008.
Format: PDF
Route: Land
Authors: Takata Tokio
Themes: History, Arts and Literature, Languages
Era: 19th – 20th centuries
Language of article: English, Russian
Source: Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century. Collected articles. Edited by I. F. Popova. St Petersburg, Slavia Publishers, 2008.
Format: PDF
Route: Land
Authors: Imre Galambos
Themes: History
Era: 19th – 20th centuries
Language of article: English, Russian
Source: Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century. Collected articles. Edited by I. F. Popova. St Petersburg, Slavia Publishers, 2008.
Format: PDF
Route: Land
Authors: Susan Whitfield
Themes: History
Era: 19th – 20th centuries
Language of article: English, Russian
Source: Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century. Collected articles. Edited by I. F. Popova. St Petersburg, Slavia Publishers, 2008.
Format: PDF
Route: Land
Authors: Rong Xin-jiang
Themes: History
Era: 19th – 20th centuries
Language of article: English, Russian
Source: Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century. Collected articles. Edited by I. F. Popova. St Petersburg, Slavia Publishers, 2008.
Format: PDF


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