The book-illumination under the Il-Khanid rulers and the Mongolian influence on further miniature-styles

Contrary to widespread beliefs, the Mongolian conquest of Central Asia in the 13th century AD did not extinguish existing pictorial traditions. Thus, for instance, the art of book illuminations was developed under the Mongols who used it for their own purposes. During the Il-Khanid dynasty, an important school of painting was founded in Tabriz, and many books were illustrated in a new style which incorporated elements of Mongolian and Chinese art. Thus, for instance, the vizier Rashid al-Din compiled a universal history, the Jami al-Tawarik, with the help of scientists and artists from all over the Empire. Furthermore, the 11th-century heroic epic Shahname was illustrated for the first time under Ilkhanid rule. Landscape painting evolved significantly due to Chinese influences. The new pictorial style outlived the fall of the Monghol Empire because it shaped many later artists and spread to other regions.

Informations connexes

  • Auteur(s):
    M. Stucky
    13th century AD to 16th century AD
    Langue de l'article:

    Nomads’ Route Expedition in Mongolia, 10 July-5 August 1992. International Seminar “Nomads of Central Asia and the Silk Roads”. 3-5 August 1992. Ulan Bator, Mongolia.

    Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Pakistan, Russian Federation, Syrian Arab Republic, Tajikistan, Türkiye, Turkmenistan

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