Religion et spiritualité

Institut international d'étude des civilisations nomades

At the initiative of UNESCO and with the support of its former Director General, Mr Federico Mayor (1987-1999), the International Institute for the Study of Nomadic Civilizations was established by an agreement concluded on 16 September 1998 between the governments of Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan , Mongolia and Turkey.

Problématique de l’Epopée. Routes terrestres et maritimes

In spite of its difficulty, the study of orally transmitted traditions, such as sung epics, provides fascinating insight into a society’s culture. On the island of Palawan and among the Buryats living in the forests of Siberia, epics mostly dealt with the quest for marriage partners, acts of heroism and the overcoming of conflicts which led to social harmony and cohesion. In both these cultures, which were based on hunting and the exchange of goods, the epics were sung by shaman-bards.

SOAS - École des études orientales et africaines, Université de Londres

SOAS, the School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London) is dedicated to the study of the languages, cultures and societies of Africa, Asia and the Middle East, and is the only Higher Education institution in Europe with this academic specialisation. It also has the largest concentration in Europe of academic staff concerned with Africa, Asia and the Middle East. 

Cette plateforme a été développée et est maintenue avec le soutien de :


Siège de l'UNESCO

7 Place de Fontenoy

75007 Paris, France

Secteur des sciences sociales et humaines

Section de la recherche, politique et prospective

Programme des Routes de la Soie
